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Troubleshooting ICL (Central Warehouse) 'sales' database

Some general notes on using the


This documents lists some known problems which can be encountered in Intercompany Logistics (Central Warehouse), in the ICL 'sales database'.




A sales order is not exported from a 'sales' database to the 'central' database

  • is there a problem with the ICL services? Can the order be exported manually?
  • check the 'date' filters in 'warehouse maintenance', ICL button, in the sales database. Set 'export filter on date' to 31-12-2299 and 'number of days' to 999 to assure maximum 'coverage'
  • does the intercompany debtor exist in the central database and does this debtor have correct ICL settings ?
  • is the item involved a 'sales' (not 'internal') item in both databases ?
  • can this same order be entered manually in the central database (using the intercompany debtor and the same items)?
  • check the ICL monitor screens in both databases for errors
  • For more detailed criteria on export of sales orders, see Troubleshooting Control Center selections

On (manual) export of sales orders from sales database to central database, the message "waiting for result" just keeps showing, after which a time-out error is shown.

Check if the central database database can be accessed. Restart the central database services, maybe changes to central database settings were not read by the services yet.

After fulfilling a sales order in the central database, the purchase order and receipt are not created in the sales database

  • if using the services: check the Windows 'Application' event log for messages of the services
  • restart the services
  • check the central database monitor for recent errors
  • is the item linked to the central database supplier in the sales database?

I can see in the item card, that the stock is received twice in the sales database after processing fulfillments in the central database.

Check the item's G/L account for 'stock', if this is the same G/L account as used for 'cost of goods sold' then you will see both the stock transactions and the cost transaction on the item card, because you have defined this G/L Account to be the stock account. Advice: do not use the same G/L account for both 'stock' and 'cost of goods sold'.


Sales orders in the sales database are not fulfilled after the fulfillments in the central database are done

The sales orders in the sales database are not fulfilled automatically by central database, this should always be done manually. To make this easier (because you don't know which sales order can be fulfilled) you can use menu [Orders ,To be processed, central database sales admin, Process sales orders]. This control center will only show sales orders which are fulfilled in the central database and not yet in the sales database. You can start the fulfillment process from this screen.

On exporting sales orders to the central database, I get the message "No lines found, valid for change/fulfillment. Export file not created".

Does the sales order have the right status for central database ? Check if the sales order would be visible in sales database Globe fulfillment screen. If it is, check the central database settings for the warehouse used in the sales order, especially on the date filter. This error will show if the field 'export filter on date' would be filled with a date in the past by mistake, which would result in never exporting any sales order. Set the 'Export filter on date' to 31-12-2299 and 'Number of days' to 999.

The VAT code in my generated purchase invoice is not correct, how is the VAT code determined when generating purchase invoices with central database ?

This VAT code is determined by the generated purchase order in the sales database, so in fact by the master data for this item and supplier in the sales database. This VAT code should be the same as the VAT code used in the sales invoice (sales order) in the central database for this sales database debtor. Using the ICL VAT link table is recommended to avoid VAT related errors on ICL 'invoice export', and is even necessary when using 'rule items'.

I want to generate purchase invoices again because I deleted them in the sales database

You can repeat export of previous exported sales invoices in central database menu [Order, to be processed, central database central admin, Export invoices], using the option "send again".

I exported central database sales invoices to sales database purchase invoices but in the sales database I do not see the purchase invoices ?

The purchase invoice is created as a 'processed' transaction, you may have to enable the option ''Processed" in menu [Finance/Entries/Purchase] to make the central database entries visible. Check the sales database monitor [Order/To be processed/central database sales admin/Monitor] and [ICL monitor] for any errors. The supplier should be linked to item as main supplier. Fix any errors and export invoices again by using the "send again" option.


Error: Debtor(): Empty when exporting sales orders

This error will show when the ICL configuration in the central company debtor information (menu Finance, Accounts receivable, Maintain; ICL button) is incorrect: the configured 'Company code'  does not match the internal company code of the sales database


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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 20.179.134
 Assortment:  Date: 03-08-2017
 Release:  Attachment: